Nit de l'Art - Night of the museums - Palma de Mallorca
La Nit del Art, also known as "Night of the Museums," is an annual event that takes place in Palma de Mallorca, where many of the city's museums open their doors to visitors for free, offering special activities and events, guided tours and extended hours. This event usually happens on a specific date of the year, usually in the summer, and allows visitors to discover and enjoy the city's rich cultural heritage. The event is a great opportunity for visitors to explore the city's museums and learn more about the art and history of Mallorca, many of the museums participate in this event, such as the Fundació Joan Miró, the Palau March, and the Museum of Mallorca, among others. The Nit del Art is also a great opportunity to experience the city's nightlife and enjoy the atmosphere of the city. The event usually features live music and performances, street art and light installations, and food and drink vendors. Hotel Amic Horizonte is a great option for accommodat