Carnival in Majorca
The Mallorca Carnival, that this year will be celebrated to 11 until 14 Febrary is also known as Els Darrers Dies (The Last Days), in reference to the last days in which meat can be eaten before the start of Lent, in accordance with Catholicism. The festivities begin on the Thursday of Dijous Jarder and continue until the weekend, when there are processions with hordes of people in fancy dress. It is normal for people to go out in fancy dress in the evening during this weekend. To round off the celebrations with a touch of ironic humour, in many places a ´sardine burial´ is held, at which many people dressed in mourning act out the burial of a sardine. Las máquinas de coser echan humo. Hay que comprar más hilo, rellenar los trajes, medir, cortar, pegar... "Estamos realmente agotados. Llevamos desde noviembre liados con los disfraces y ¡lo que nos queda!". No hay tiempo que perder, la próxima semana es el gran día y los imprevistos se suceden uno de tras de otro. Un estiramien