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Navidad en Palma de MALLORCA #PALMA365

Christmas is a perfect time to fly to Majorca because of the beauty of the city  and here you have 10 to do things in Christmas in Majorca 1) Nativity Scenes Around Palma This is one of the most typical and traditional things to do at Christmas. The visitor can see some of the most beautiful, ornate and oldest nativity scenes around Palma, for example, in the “Iglesia de la Sang”, the crib dates back to 1480. In Palma Town Hall the nativity scene reflects island life and all the figures are handmade. Other nativity scenes on display include: Can Marquès, Caputixines, La Misericòrdia, Paseo de la Artesania and Santa Magdalena. Further information can be obtained from any of the local tourist offices. 2) Christmas Markets A large selection of Christmas goods, including everything you need to make your own nativity scene, will go on sale in early December in Palma’s two main plazas: Placa Major and Placa España. In addition, live street entertainment will be takin