Plaza de Cort in Palma de Mallorca city centre and city hall

The Plaza de Cort in Palma de Mallorca is a must-see destination for anyone visiting the city. Located in the heart of the city, the Plaza is home to the city hall and is considered the center of the city. The Plaza is also the perfect spot to enjoy the New Year's Eve celebrations, where thousands of people gather to watch the fireworks and ring in the new year.

The Plaza de Cort is also home to the Iolivera, which is a beautiful fountain that is a popular spot for visitors to take photos. Additionally, the Plaza is considered the KM 0 of Mallorca, meaning it is the point from which all distances on the island are measured. The Plaza is also home to a historic clock tower, which is a beautiful architectural feature that is worth seeing.

The best part is that the Plaza de Cort is just 3km away from the Hotel Amic Horizonte, making it an easy and convenient location to visit. The hotel offers comfortable accommodation and great service, and it is a perfect base from which to explore the city. The hotel staff can also provide information and recommendations on the best places to see the New Year's Eve celebrations.

Don't miss out on the chance to experience the excitement of New Year's Eve at the Plaza de Cort in Palma de Mallorca. Book your stay at the Hotel Amic Horizonte and enjoy the comfort and convenience of being just a few minutes away from the city center.


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