Christmas in Palma

(en español? entra en el calendario del Blog)
Throughout the month of December wander through Palma centre where you will find beautiful & ornate nativity scenes, some of which date back to 1480.
6/12 The start of the Christmas markets, which run through the January 6th at Plaza ajor and Play España. Christmas goods, gift ideas, holiday decorations and more!
8/12 Fiesta of the Inmculate Conception, marking the beginning of the religious celebrations in Spain.
20/12 A special Christmas concert performed by the Balearic Symphony Orchestra at the Auditorium de Palma. 21´00h (26€ & 18€).
21/12 Celebration of "Hogueras" (bonfires) marking the winter solstice with people jumping through fires to protect themselves against illnes.
22/12 Christmas Lottery "El Gordo" (the ft one).
24/12 "Nochebuena" (Christmas Eve) with a traditional mass service taking place at Palma´s Cathedral. 23´00h (enter at
28/12 "Santos Inocentes" (Day of the Innocents) equivalent to April Fools Day wth practical jokes being played.
31/12 Happy New Year! 12 grapes eaten in time with the 12 chimes countdown - each grape eaten bringing good luck for each month of the New Year. (enter at we are preparing a big party).
5/01 Processions with the arrival of the 3 Kings; children leave their shoes out forthe 3 Kings to visit during the night and leave gifts.

6/01 The feast of the Epiphany, children wake to find the gifts left by the 3 Kings!


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