Toastmasters MALLORCA Wordsmith - 10th Aniversary

November 2002 -  the first Toastmasters International club opened in Palma de Mallorca, and since then 10 magical, fun-filled, exciting and challenging years have passed. 

You are invited to our celebration meeting on Wednesday 28th November, at the Hotel Amic Horizonte, 8 for 8.30pm.

Our guest speaker, Jaime Izquierdo, a social media specialist, will be speaking about how social networks can help you achieve your goals.

Toastmasters International, a world wide organisation, was started over 80 years ago and has almost 12,000 clubs with 235,000 members in 92 countries.

At Toastmasters you learn how to persuade with passion, to speak with confidence, to listen effectively, to hone your organisational and leadership skills - all in a positive  and encouraging atmosphere.  You will soon make new friends amongst such a positive, self motivated, but very diverse group of people.

Members meet every Wednesday evening, 8 for 8.30 pm at the Amic Horizonte, c/Vista Alegre 1, 07015, Bonanova, Palma.   Meetings are held alternate weeks in English and Spanish.

Further information at any of these sources:
twitter:      @ToastmastersPMI


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Sorteig per el concert dels Amics de les Arts a Palma de Mallorca .