Where to find the best offers and deals in Palma de Mallorca Hotels ? #enjoythesun

Hotel Amic Horizonte offers a variety of special offers and deals on their website to ensure that guests get the best price for their stay. These offers can include discounts on room rates, packages that include meals or activities, and special promotions for certain dates or seasons.

One way to guarantee the best price for your stay at Hotel Amic Horizonte is by booking directly on the hotel's website. When you book directly with the hotel, you can be sure that you are getting the best rate available and that you are not paying any additional fees or commissions. Additionally, by booking directly on the hotel's website, you can also take advantage of any special offers or promotions that may be available.

Another way to ensure the best price for your stay is by booking in advance. By booking your room well in advance, you can take advantage of early bird discounts or other promotions that are only available for a limited time.

It is also recommended to check the website regularly for any last-minute deals or special offers that may become available. These deals are usually offered at a discounted rate and are based on the hotel's availability.

Overall, by booking directly on the hotel's website and by taking advantage of special offers and promotions, you can be sure that you are getting the best price for your stay at Hotel Amic Horizonte.


@minipunk desde lo alto @horizonte24 con sus gafas #enjoythesun
Reservando con la Oferta Glasses 
City Hotels Team

Amic Toni and Stephane 


Minipunk Arias ha dicho que…
Que feo el de rojo!

Mallorca Hotels



Sorteig per el concert dels Amics de les Arts a Palma de Mallorca .